Aerospace Robots

Understanding the Modern Industrial Robot

Industrial robots are becoming more common by the year. This is due to advancements in both technology and automation. The manufacturing sector is reaping plenty of benefits thanks to these incredible machines. What is the main benefit? Increased production. A simple boost in production can save companies millions of dollars. And that’s reason enough to learn more about industrial robots. So, let’s get started.

What Is an Industrial Robot?

The criteria below must be in effect for an industrial robot to exist:

  • -The robot must have automatic controls.
  • -The robot must have the ability to get reprogrammed.
  • -In fact, a robot’s considered industrial when three or more axes can get programmed.

“Manufacturing” is the concept that applies to almost all forms of industrial robots. Each robot’s equipped with systems that contribute to an organization’s manufacturing processes. (We will get into the specifics of this process later on in the article.)

Industrial robots are often associated with the following applications:

  • -assembling
  • -welding
  • -palletizing
  • -painting
  • -ironing
  • -inspecting products
  • -testing procedures
  • -pick and place

A successful industrial robot specializes in one or more of the above applications. The specialization abilities are due to:

  • -consistent precision
  • -high endurance
  • -speed

Keep in mind that most industrial robots do not look like your standard sci-fi movie robot. The only human aesthetic of most industrial bots is the human-like robotic arms.

The 7 Key Benefits of Industrial Robots


1) Industrial robots boost efficiency.

Industrial robots have a reputation for completing tasks faster than their human counterparts. But speed isn’t the only factor. These robots also deliver a greater level of accuracy than humans can.

When you factor in automatic processes, it’s no wonder companies buy industrial bots. Industrial robotic automation shortens the duration of almost all projects. Not to mention, these robots use many processes that save resources. If you need to improve your production line, consider purchasing an industrial robot.

2) Quality improves thanks to industrial robots.

When it comes to industrial robots, their accuracy leads to high-quality results. Say your company needs to improve the quality of its products. The solution might be to buy some industrial robots. Many companies find it easy to maintain high quality standards by using robots. This leads to all sorts of benefits including positive product reviews and great PR.

3) Industrial robots create a better working environment.

Industrial robots never complain about working in dangerous conditions. They never tell their supervisors that the tasks are too repetitive. Well, what’s the end result of these factors? An improved working environment for organizations of all sorts.

As you know, humans sometimes get bored, complain, or refuse to give their all. That’s why companies are falling in love with robots. They lack a human touch. And with the particular circumstances, that’s not a bad thing. Your factory will be as safe as possible when the “people” working in it are robots.

4) Organizations experience better profits thanks to industrial robots.

The work of industrial robots leads to an improved lower-cost-per-product ratio. This is because the work process becomes more efficient. The robots can complete their tasks must faster than any human can. This saves organizations a boatload of cash over time.

Are there some humans that can handle operations at a cheaper cost than robots? That is possible. But it is rare. Almost all industrial robots are cheaper to use than having to pay humans over time. Once the robots are hard at work, human employees can focus on other tasks. They can spend their time contributing to factors like maintenance, programming, and engineering.

5) Industrial robots work more hours than humans.

How many breaks do industrial robots need to take per day? None. Compare that to humans. Every worker requires regular breaks, a lunch break, and plenty of time away from work. But industrial robots couldn’t care less about these factors. Supervisors do not have to worry about robots feeling unmotivated or getting distracted. The attention span of an industrial robot is always 110% focused.

Robotics of America conducted a recent study. We wanted to learn more about many organizations that use industrial robots. We found that there’s often a 40% boost in the output of production. This boost takes place whenever an important human worker’s replaced by a robot. This study does not even factor in the extra hours that industrial robots work. There’s no way around it- robots have more stamina than humans. Thanks to developments in technology, that stamina will continue to strengthen over time.

6) Industrial robots can give an organization a “wow” factor.

Does your company need to impress its clients? If so, putting industrial robots in place might be the solution. But a wow factor can lead to more than amazement. It can also lead to profits. That’s because having cutting edge robots is a superb marketing tool. Showing them off can make anyone’s brand stand out. If your company’s public relations need a boost, you might need some industrial robots.

7) Manufacturing stays local thanks to industrial robots.

You might have observed a common dispute related to industrial robots. Some people believe that robots take jobs away from workers in countries like the US. Sure, this can take place. But it’s not the norm.

Industrial robots do not have the ability to work on their own in an exclusive manner. Instead, their work gets integrated with the work of humans. Human workers are responsible for specific operations that empower the robots. In fact, over time, this concept will create plenty of jobs related to robotics.

Here’s an example. More and more welding companies are using robots. The robot will often hand off the parts to a human. The human then conducts a welding task that requires a human brain. This is an example of humans and robots co-existing in harmony. That’s what we hope the future will bring when it comes to developing robotic technologies.

The 4 Most Popular Types of Industrial Robots

1) The articulated industrial robot.

Many consider this form of industrial robot to be the most common. It appears to be a human arm but it’s configured in a mechanical manner. A twisting joint serves to connect the base to the robotic arm. People often wonder if articulated robots have a set number of rotary joints. No they do not. The number of joints can range from two to ten. And why do joints matter so much? Every joint gives a robot more freedom to move at different angles. Your average articulated robot has six degrees of freedom when it comes to moving.

Companies must take into account how flexible they need their robots to be. More flexibility can get projects completed faster. Why? Because each robot doesn’t have to waste as much time repositioning itself. Each robot can then align itself across every plane. This is another example of the benefit of speed when it comes to industrial robots.

2) The cartesian industrial robot.

These industrial robots are also known as “gantry robots” and “rectilinear” robots. The latter term is due to the rectangular appearance of these robots. Each cartesian robot features three joints for linear motion purposes. (Keep in mind that the joints are prismatic.) The joints position the robot to move across each X, Y, and Z axis.

Some cartesian robots feature an attached wrist. The purpose of the wrist is to provide the robot with rotational capacities. Below are the major factors associated with cartesian robots:

  • -they are easy to operate
  • -their positional accuracy is high
  • -each industrial robot has offline programming features
  • -most industrial robots have many customization options
  • -they can pick up heavy loads
  • -they are cheaper than most other robots

3) The SCARA industrial robot.

Do not let this industrial root’s strange name confuse you. SCARA stands for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm. These robots have work envelopes shaped like donuts. Their dual parallel joints can get tasks done in any single plane.

Each SCARA robot features state-of-the-art vertical rotary shafts. The robots’ end effectors are what move in a horizontal manner. Capabilities like these ensure that quick lateral movements can take place. In fact, SCARA robots have a reputation for moving very fast. A SCARA would win a race against a cartesian robot every time!

4) The delta industrial robot.

These industrial robots are also known as “parallel link robots.” This term makes sense because delta bots have parallel joint linkages. Each joint linkage connects to the common base. This leads to organizations having control over the end effectors and individual joints. What value does this provide? The delta robot’s arms can move fast while maintaining precision and accuracy. Delta robots are easy to recognize due to their dome-shaped work envelopes.

Does your company need quick pick-and-place operations? If so, a delta industrial robot would be a smart investment. Companies desiring advanced product transfer applications are also turning to delta robots. Their speed is too huge of an advantage to pass up. Not to mention, the delta bot’s operating accuracy is off the charts.

Conclusion: Industrial Robots Will Continue to Benefit Many Organizations

Every new year, there is less of a limit to what an industrial robot is capable of. Important factors such as strength, speed, and accuracy are continuing to get better. Is your organization in need of qualities like these? If so, having an industrial robot might be the solution that will grow your business. Sure, some industrial robots are expensive. But their benefits always seem to pay off in the long-run.

For more information about industrial robots, continue to browse our website. We offer other robotic resources that go in-depth on issues such as:

  • -types of industrial robots
  • -industrial robot manufacturers
  • -industrial robots examples
  • -industrial robotic arm
  • -industrial robot applications
  • -an industrial robot journal
  • -more advantages of industrial robots

4 thoughts on “Understanding the Modern Industrial Robot”

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