Are you ready to renew your Robotics of America membership today? If so, do not delay using our firm’s online renewal feature. It will:
-assist you in submitting payment for your membership dues
-instruct you how to set up your membership for automatic renewals
-help you get rid of paper renewal notices so that they get delivered to your email
-give you options to update factors such as your credit/debit card info and mailing address
-provide you with customization options so you get the most out of your membership
Thank You
Thank you for continuing your membership with Robotics of America. Our team will ensure that you get the most out of your membership benefits. We promise to remain the #1 resource for robotics technology content and solutions. Our firm will use our powerful voice and standing to empower our members toward success. Please call or email our firm right now to renew your membership. The ROA staff will ensure that you have immediate access to all your benefits. Let us know if you would like to customize your plan in any capacity. We pride ourselves on being flexible with our valued members.
Also, do not despair if your membership is already inactive or expired. You still have 90 days after a membership ends to get it renewed. And you can do so right now over the phone. Our team will do everything in our power to get your membership activated ASAP. This way, you will have access to all your previous benefits.