Robotic EOAT: End of Arm Tooling

There are few concepts that matter more to robotics than EOAT (end of arm tooling). EOAT involves equipment made up of certain components and parts. Most of the components and parts stick out at the end of the robotic arms. Here’s an example. Say your company uses a robotic welding system. The end of the robotic arms would feature the welding torch.


The purpose of EOAT is to provide each robot with a unique function. Companies can often adjust the functions to take care of different applications. Some EOAT systems allow robots to perform several different actions at the same time. As the capabilities of robotics continue to advance, EOAT technologies are also progressing.


EOAT Benefits Manufacturing Companies


Manufacturing applications of all sorts become simplified thanks to EAOT. Let’s use bin-picking as an example. This is where the robot picks up parts out of a bin. The robot then places the parts where they need to go. This manufacturing process has become mainstream in recent years.

Like advanced vision systems have benefited companies, so too, have EOAT capabilities. An action such as robotic bin picking reps out companies in many ways. The robots can work faster than humans. They are also more precise and can operate 24/7, if necessary.


EOAT Capabilities Are Growing Fast


EOAT technology development is advancing at a record pace. More and more types of EOAT robots are emerging. What does this mean? You can expect companies in diverse industries to begin acquiring EOAT robots. The last five years alone have seen robots getting used for a wide range of tasks.

Technology changes have led to the robots being able to provide diverse results. This is because the end of arm tooling allows robots to take many actions at the same time. This is something humans are incapable of. And many companies are starting to take notice.


EOAT robots get viewed as commodities by many professionals across different industries. Why is this the case? Because people recognize that EOAT can benefit many different types of physical labor. That's why someday you'll see robots constructing buildings without any construction workers. When situations like this become a reality, it all depends on one factor.

It is the speed of which EOAT applications can develop. The more advanced the application, the more advanced the robot will be. EOAT application development is making robots more independent and intelligent. This is leading to many company’s goals getting knocked out fast. A project that used to take weeks now takes days.


EOAT Will Boost Companies’ ROI


As EOAT robots become capable of handling more tasks, companies are going to benefit. Those benefits will not only take place on the physical frontlines. They will extend to financial benefits that boost profits and ROI. Many manufacturers are raving about the money they have gained by using EOAT systems.

The catalyst for financial results lies in the flexible nature of the EOAT robots. Point-blank: they are capable of getting jobs completed so much faster than humans. As you can imagine, this saves companies a lot of cash over time.

Also, a new form of EOAT known as “smart EOAT” is emerging. This cuts costs due to reducing the complexities of automation. Companies no longer need to invest in many outdated factors. These factors include complicated programming, safety fences, and installations.


The Most Popular Parts Used for EOAT


EOAT success for robots comes in many physical forms. Each application requires certain parts for the robots. What are the two most popular parts companies need? Grippers and sensors. Let’s go into detail about how each type of gripper and sensor benefits many organizations.




Most robotics experts agree that grippers are the most common part needed for EOAT. What is its purpose? They grasp onto many different types of objects. This is important for assembling a variety of things. Many companies also use grippers for pick and place applications. In fact, the automation capabilities of pick and place applications have improved. They have become much more advanced in recent years. Not to mention, a robot’s ability to grip has also progressed in the last decade.


-Mechanical Grippers:


These are not ordinary EOAT grippers. Why? Because they feature human-like mechanical fingers. These fingers allow robots to, well, grip a wide variety of objects. Human-like fingers might not be the best example of how mechanical grippers appear. Many people say they are more like a crab’s pincers. Each mechanical gripper is capable of precision that rivals human beings. This is due to advanced stroke and force features. Do not expect a mechanical gripper to look like a human hand. Most mechanical grippers have only two to four fingers. Each finger can get replaced whenever a problem occurs.


-Vacuum grippers:


These EOAT grippers do their gripping by using suction cups. These are best for projects with incongruent shapes and uneven surfaces. The maintenance costs for vacuum grippers can be expensive. Why? Because each of these grippers uses an advanced air supply system. But more models are starting to get powered by electricity. This is great for companies since operational costs can get reduced.


-Adhesive grippers:


This EOAT gripper lives up to its name. How so? It sticks onto objects instead of grasping them. This is perfect for companies that manufacture fragile material like fabrics. But keep in mind that an adhesive gripper’s sticking-substance gets worse over time. This leads to companies having no choice but to buy the substance in bulk.




Sensors are one of the most important parts of EOAT robots. They boost automation capabilities by giving each robot a sense of touch. This assists robots in taking care of fragile goods. A sensor allows a robot to gain a lot of the sensitivity that a human hand has.


-Collision sensors:


These sensors are important to the operations of many companies. Why? Because their role is to prevent a robot from getting damaged. The sensor goes off whenever the robot gets too close to any type of obstruction. The robot’s arm then shuts down on its own. Next, the arm resets and moves to its original position. These sensors prevent companies from losing hundreds of thousands of dollars over time.


-Torque and force sensors:


Almost all EOAT operations need both torque and force measurements. And that is what these sensors provide. The human worker is then able to have complete control over how each robot moves. This leads to complicated processes getting automated in a simple manner. Many force and torque sensors have built-in collision sensors. This helps companies avoid having to buy separate collision sensors.


Does Your Organization Need EOAT Components? Robotics of America Can Help


EOAT would not exist without important components that robots need to function. This is why Robotics of America helps provide companies with many EOAT components. We do so by working with businesses across the world. Our years of expertise in the field of robotics have paid off.

That rich experience allows us to help organizations of all industries succeed. No matter the ready-to-use EOAT component you need, we’ll help you locate it. Plus, we’ll find the best deals in which quality is never compromised. Here are some of the EOAT components we can help provide:

  • -quick changers
  • -buffers
  • -suspensions
  • -laser cut plates
  • -3D printing
  • -framing
  • -micro series
  • -vacuum cups
  • -vacuum cup nipples (yes, that’s an official term)
  • -other vacuum cup accessories
  • -sprue grippers
  • -gripper fingers
  • -specialty grippers
  • -general-purpose grippers
  • -air cylinders
  • -rotaries
  • -nippers
  • -sensors
  • -valves
  • -regulators
  • -tubing
  • -fittings
  • -nuts and bolts
  • -vacuum cups
  • -senvex framing


Conclusion: EOAT Robotics Is the Key to Success for Many Organizations


Expect to hear more about EOAT robotics as the technology continues to develop. But don't sit back and wait. End of arm tooling is capable of helping more than only manufacturing companies. It could be your company’s own secret weapon for financial success.

To find out more about the benefits of EOAT, please contact our firm today. Robotics of America commits to helping organizations of all kinds. Will will empower you to achieve financial results through robotics. Our team looks forward to helping your business and operations succeed.