The Modern Military Robot
The modern U.S. military robot is more advanced than many people realize. But this should not be a huge surprise. After all, the military has always had a reputation for using advanced technology. And its big budget allows for many cutting edge developments to take place.
The thought of robots carrying guns might scare some people. But the main purpose of these robots is not to serve as trained killers. The real purpose is to offer soldiers protection and save their lives. The soldiers will have confidence going from location-to-location with robots at their side. The robots will ensure that the soldiers are aware if danger is lurking. This article explores the most amazing military robots that are already developed. Are you ready? Let’s examine the coolest bots in the armed services.
9 Current Military Robots
1) The MAARS Military Robot.
MAARS is a military robot that looks like it belongs at NASA to explore the surface of Mars. But make no mistake about it. This small, advanced robot belongs on the surface of the Earth. Let’s begin by examining what MAARS stands for. It’s an abbreviation of Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System. One should try to stay on MAARS’ good side. Why? Because this little robot offers a great deal of firepower.
The robot features a modular design. The design allows military personnel to outfit each model with different armaments. Some MAARS robots have non-lethal lasers attached to them. The lasers get used to blind enemy combatants. Other MAARS models get armed with tear gas. But do not assume that all MAARS robots are non-lethal. Some patrol dangerous areas with grenade launchers attached. MAARS’ development did not come out of nowhere. It's based on an earlier model called SWORDS. SWORDS gained popularity for its ability to patrol Iraqi deserts in the mid-2010s.
2) The DOGO military robot.
Military robots can’t look cute, right? Wrong. This robot often receives “awwww” sounds from military personnel. But do not let its cute appearance deceive you. The DOGO might look like a toy. But this is NOT a toy by any means. It’s an advanced machine that can pull out a gun when necessary. Yes, that’s correct. A camera is not the only thing that the DOGO keeps inside of its body. (The camera offers superb remote reconnaissance.) This robot also keeps a 9-millimeter pistol hidden in its body at all times.
General Robotics is the company responsible for creating DOGO. We recommend that you watch General Robotics’ promotional video for the bot. The video shows off many state-of-the-art features that this little machine offers. In fact, the video makes the DOGO seem like it’s straight out of a Tom Clancy novel. That’s because the clip features the DOGO going into a dangerous hostage situation. The robot saves the hostages by firing at a kidnapper.
3) The SAFFiR military robot.
Not all military robots get designed to kill dangerous people. Take the SAFFiR as an example. SAFFiR stands for Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot. You won’t catch SAFFiR rescuing hostages or firing grenade launchers. Instead, SAFFiR is too busy extinguishing fires. In fact, SAFFiR is going to get placed on many U.S. Naval ships. If there’s ever a fire onboard a vessel, SAFFiR can help extinguish the flames. And get this- SAFFiR is the creation of engineering students at Virginia Tech.
Expect SAFFiRs to get loaded onto many Naval ships in the coming years. A lot of Naval officers are ecstatic about the robot’s arrival. Why? Because it can withstand much higher temperatures than humans can.
4) The Guardbot military robot.
Like SAFFiR, this military robot is also not equipped with weapons. Why? Because Guardbots specialize in reconnaissance missions. As you may know, many military operations feature reconnaissance procedures. That’s why a Guardbot is so important. It's built small for a reason. What’s the reason? It can travel across almost any kind of environment on the planet. Water. Snow. Sand.
This robot features state-of-the-art cameras that can assist human military personnel. The advanced cameras help soldiers recognize where people and objects are.. And get this. The Guardbot was not even designed to roam the Earth. It was going to travel across the surface of Mars during space missions.
5) The Gladiator military robot.
This military robot got created for U.S. Marine Corps operations. The robot’s full name is the Gladiator Tactical Unmanned Ground Vehicle. You might recognize its appearance. It looks like a small military tank. But some soldiers claim that this little robot is more versatile than a tank. That’s because military workers can outfit the Gladiator. They have the ability to attach different armaments and tools. This makes the Gladiator like the MAARS military robot. No matter the situation, a soldier can attach the right tools to the Gladiator in no time.
Do not expect the Gladiator to have the speed of a car. In fact, it can only travel 10 miles an hour. But what it lacks in speed, it makes up for in toughness. Soldiers are able to mount grenade launchers and machine guns onto the Gladiator’s body. Plus, the the Gladiator has tons of armor to withstand incoming bullets.
6) The Alrobot military robot.
This is another amazing military robot that was not designed by the military. It was first constructed by two non-military brothers. This robot is another unmanned vehicle. It has got used in recent years to combat ISIS soldiers. The robot features four large wheels that can maneuver across any desert with ease. In fact, it has been rolling across the Iraqi desert for quite some time.
The robot also has heavy weaponry that can make any enemy combatant run for his or her life. Think of all the potential hazards that the average deployed soldier faces. Ambushes. IEDs. Grenades. The Alrobot has been a life-saver for many soldiers in harm’s way.
7) The Anbot military robot.
Let’s take a break discussing U.S. military robots. Why? Because the Anbot did not originate in America. It got developed in China to be an armed police robot. The design process was overseen by China’s National Defense University.
The Anbot serves as a patrol vehicle and can travel up to 11 miles per hour. But conducting patrols is not the only action this amazing robot can take. Say something dangerous occurs. The Anbot deploys a riot control tool. The tool's charged with electricity and can shock combatants.
8) The RoboBee military robot.
This military robot got created by the Microbiotics Laboratory at Harvard University. And they must not have spared any expenses. How so? Because this small robot can hover in the skies. Well, to do so, it needs to attach itself to a power cable. But in the future, the RoboBee will be flying without a cable.
Where does the name “RoboBee” come from? This unique name is due to this robot being an "insectoid robot.” In fact, it is one of the first insectoid robots to have video and audio transmission abilities. Why is it “insectoid”? Because this robot isn’t small. It is super-small. The small size will allow military personnel to spy on enemy combatants. But military spying might not be the only action in RoboBee’s future. Harvard researchers expect this robot to assist farmers with crop pollination.
9) The PD-100 Black Hornet military robot.
Like the RoboBee, this military robot can also fly. Why does it roam the skies? For surveillance purposes. The Black Hornet got created by Prox Dynamics. The designers had a mission to make it appear like miniature helicopters. And they sure were successful with that goal.
This military robot features advanced cameras. They are able to stream video in real-time to military personnel. This helps soldiers scout locations from very safe vantage points. The PD-100 Black Hornet bot is a total game-changer due to its small size and quiet motor. The lack of size prevents enemy combatants from seeing it. The robot has been drawing rave reviews from U.S. military operatives. Many of the reviews state that the robot is “futuristic” and “ahead of its time.” There's no need to wait for this military robot to see action. Both the British and U.S. militaries are already reaping the benefits of this little bot.
Conclusion: Military Robots Are Already Saving the Lives of Soldiers
You might have clicked on the article expecting to read about future military robots. Well, the future is now. Military robots are already saving the lives of soldiers across the world. And there is no sign of military robot development slowing down. Look for more advanced military robots to appear on battlefields soon. They won’t only be there to shoot weapons. These amazing robot will be there to save lives. Please check back with Robotics of America for future content about military robots. We plan to release more articles about topics such as these:
- -types of military robots
- -military robots of the future
- -military robots names
- -military robots of 2021
- -the history of military robots
- -U.S. military robots
- -armed military robots